In a few words about this book
The clinical philosophy of this book focuses on several aspects that are important to me. Quality of everyday clinical work of all dentists Simplicity and reproducibility of most clinical procedures. Safety for the patient at all stages of treatment work in all areas of general dentistry. Reduction of iatrogenic trauma to the patient. Reduction of complaints about clinical work from dentists.
My name is
Alexander Apokin
I am one of the authors of the book #Rubberdamology
I have been working as a dentist for 24 years.
If we consider the creation of a book in the allegory of assembling a robot or a golem, then I am responsible in this project for its framework of illustrations and clinical examples and unique super-informative videos. I also create the entire WEB infrastructure for the book.
Rubber dam insulation is the basis of quality
If you still don't use rubber dam in your work
We feel sorry for you.
You don't produce quality in the long term. We redo hundreds of fillings for our primary patients after doctors who didn't use rubber dam in their work.
The graphics in this book have undergone a very serious stylistic revision. I returned to work on the illustrations more than 10 years later and was unpleasantly surprised by the quality of the illustrations. I decided to replace them completely, especially since video with a resolution of 4K (3840*2160) has become the new industry standard.
The clinical photographs are still frames from the 4K videos I shoot daily during my clinical work. This required years of training and additional professional education in graphic design and video production.
Price for you
CONTENTS OF THE BOOK (actually this is a secret, for now we can only share the number of sections and chapters)
Section 1 To rubber dam
Chapter 1-13
Section 2 Armomentarium
Chapter 14-15 3D- иллюстрации схемы и чертежи.
Section 3 Around rubber dam
Chapter 16-17
Section 4 Rubberdam
Chapter 18-19
Section 5 After the workday
Chapter 20-21
Section 6 Working with rubber dam
Chapter 22-31
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